Interface Step<StepSlugs, State, Metadata, Slug>

A step in the journey, as defined by the developer.

Type Parameters


  • Step


component: ComponentType<ComponentProps<State, Metadata>>

The component to render for the step. This is the component that will be rendered when the user is on this step.

enableNextButton?: ((state, steps) => boolean)

Type declaration

    • (state, steps): boolean
    • Whether to enable the 'next' button in the journey. This is different from showNextButton in that it only disables the button, but still shows it.


      • state: State
      • steps: ComputedSteps<StepSlugs, State, Metadata, StepSlugs>

      Returns boolean


      true if the current step is complete
isComplete?: ((state, steps) => boolean)

Type declaration

    • (state, steps): boolean
    • Whether the step is complete.


      • state: State
      • steps: ComputedSteps<StepSlugs, State, Metadata, StepSlugs>

      Returns boolean


isEnabled?: ((state, steps) => boolean)

Type declaration

    • (state, steps): boolean
    • Whether the step is enabled. If disabled, the step will not show up in the journey. This is useful for steps that are only shown conditionally.


      • state: State
      • steps: ComputedSteps<StepSlugs, State, Metadata, StepSlugs>

      Returns boolean


isJourneyEnd?: ((state, steps) => boolean)

Type declaration

    • (state, steps): boolean
    • Whether this step represents the end of the journey. If so, the 'next' button will not be shown in the journey. This is useful for steps that represent a 'thank you' page or a 'success' page.


      • state: State
      • steps: ComputedSteps<StepSlugs, State, Metadata, StepSlugs>

      Returns boolean


      true if the step is the last step in the journey, taking into account skipped steps
isSkipped?: ((state, steps) => boolean)

Type declaration

    • (state, steps): boolean
    • Whether the step is skipped. If skipped, the step won't be considered when hitting 'previous' or 'next'. This is useful for steps that are only shown conditionally.


      • state: State
      • steps: ComputedSteps<StepSlugs, State, Metadata, StepSlugs>

      Returns boolean


isSubmittable?: ((state, steps) => boolean)

Type declaration

    • (state, steps): boolean
    • Whether the step is submittable. If not submittable, the 'submit' / 'next' button will not be shown in the journey. This is useful for the last step in the journey. It should not be used to prevent the user from submitting the form if the step is not complete. For that, use isComplete instead.


      • state: State
      • steps: ComputedSteps<StepSlugs, State, Metadata, StepSlugs>

      Returns boolean


nextStep?: ((state, logicalNextStep, steps) => undefined | StepSlugs)

Type declaration

    • (state, logicalNextStep, steps): undefined | StepSlugs
    • The next step in the journey. This is used to navigate to the next step when the user clicks the 'next' button.


      • state: State
      • logicalNextStep: undefined | StepSlugs
      • steps: ComputedSteps<StepSlugs, State, Metadata, StepSlugs>

      Returns undefined | StepSlugs


      the next step in the journey, taking into account skipped steps
previousStep?: ((state, logicalPreviousStep, steps) => undefined | StepSlugs)

Type declaration

    • (state, logicalPreviousStep, steps): undefined | StepSlugs
    • The previous step in the journey. This is used to navigate to the previous step when the user clicks the 'previous' button.


      • state: State
      • logicalPreviousStep: undefined | StepSlugs
      • steps: ComputedSteps<StepSlugs, State, Metadata, StepSlugs>

      Returns undefined | StepSlugs


      the previous step in the journey, taking into account skipped steps
showNextButton?: ((state, steps) => boolean)

Type declaration

    • (state, steps): boolean
    • Whether to show the 'next' button in the journey.


      • state: State
      • steps: ComputedSteps<StepSlugs, State, Metadata, StepSlugs>

      Returns boolean


      true if the step is not the last step in the journey, taking into account skipped steps
showPreviousButton?: ((state, steps) => boolean)

Type declaration

    • (state, steps): boolean
    • Whether to show the 'previous' button in the journey.


      • state: State
      • steps: ComputedSteps<StepSlugs, State, Metadata, StepSlugs>

      Returns boolean


      true if the step is not the first step in the journey, taking into account skipped steps
showSubmitButton?: ((state, steps) => boolean)

Type declaration

    • (state, steps): boolean
    • Whether to show the 'submit' button in the journey.


      • state: State
      • steps: ComputedSteps<StepSlugs, State, Metadata, StepSlugs>

      Returns boolean


      true if the step is the last step in the journey, taking into account skipped steps
slug: Slug

The slug of the step. This is used to identify the step and to navigate to it.

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